all things old school: October 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Location: Syracuse, NY
Release: Secret Jams, 2008

It's election day here in Brazil, today we choose our next president and our options are: the so-called left wing Roussef vs. conservative right wing Serra. The country is divided, who is gonna win? Place you bets! Meanwhile listen to Syracuse's ELECTION DAY, a side project with ex-member from Earthquake, Forfeit and Gak Attack. Mid-tempo melodic hardcore in the vein of late Turning Point and Have Heart.

Maximun Rock N' Roll said the following about their 4-songs Demo: "The standout track here is “Sector IV,” which deals with how we lose our humanity by ignoring the displaced and the poor. The rest of the songs fall into the realm of personal, but they hit just right with honesty and emotion."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

THE YOUTHS - Generationless (+ S/T)

Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Release: Still Holding On + Regulator!, 2006 

Já fazia tempo que queria fazer esse post com o The Youths, mostrando que Portugal tem muita coisa boa ainda a ser descoberta, particularmente gosto muito do hardcore punk que sai de lá, como: New Winds, Pressure, Pointing Finger, Mr. Miyagi,...

Neste download incluí os 2 albums que eles lançaram até o momento: Generationless e o auto entitulado EP que saiu antes. Indicado para fãs de Adolescents, Regulations e curtição dos jovens desenfreada.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

EDWOOD - A Better Tomorrow

Location: Morlaix, France
Release: Reason For Change Records, 2008

EDWOOD second album "A Better Tomorrow" is the follow-up to their 2006 debut album "One Commitment", their sound is a mix of the old and the new, think Kickback meets Mainstrike!

I'm really digging this new wave of French hardcore, keep tuned for more updates.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

SEASICK - Two Years Of Hub City Hardcore

Location: New Jersey, US
Release: Damage Done Records, 2009

Projeto paralelo de membros do A.N.S. com diversos albums gravados, dos quais (com excessão do material novo) aparecem nesta coletânea com 20 faixas lançada pelo selo Tcheco Damage Done. Aqui vc pode esperar um hardcore veloz a la 625 Thrashcore com guitarras distorcidas estilo Black Flag, não recomendado para menores de 8 anos.

Infelizmente após lançamento do último disco entitulado Eschaton, o grupo irá se dissolver por tempo indeterminado.

DOWNLOAD [new link 2023!!]

Two Years Of Hub City Hardcore LP:

Tracks A1 & A10 previously unreleased.
Tracks A2 to A8 previously released on "Ouroboros" 12"EP.
Track A9 previously released on compitalion "Right To Assemble Vol. 2".
Tracks B1 to B3 previously released on "Billy In A Bear Suit" 7"split ANS.
 Tracks B4 to B10 previously released on "Awakenings" 10"EP.

LO-FI - Surf Is Over, God Is Dead

Location: Sanja Streets
Release: No School Records (D.I.Y.), 2010

 Os menino tão devolta com um rock que há tempos não ouviamos em terras brasilis: oitentão, sujo e skate (des)oriented! A faixa que leva o título desse EP é estopenda!!
Como a maioria das bandas que não se preocupam em fazer um som com apelo comercial, eles gastam dinheiro, tempo e o retorno não é garantido, mas como caixão não tem gaveta o que vale são as memórias que ficam. E é exatamente isso que esse blog tenta propagar.
Entrem em contato com eles para agitar festas, bagunças e quem sabe até preparar uns crepes!


Eu tinha feito uma capa alternativa, mas infelizmente não passou no crivo da diretoria:

THE HARD WAY - Demo + 7"

Location: Brighton, U.K.
Release: Carry The Weight Records, 2009-2010

Carry The Weight Records #10! Members of Cold Snap, Breaking Point and Abandon Ship playing classic NYC HARDcore. Riffs to melt your face and hench stomp parts, Outburst style.

2009 - 3 song Demo
2010 - The Hard Way 7" (Carry The Weight Records)

DOWNLOAD Discography

Monday, October 11, 2010


This weekend we had Rage Against The Machine for the first time in S.America, in december Youth of Today is scheduled to play here, also for the 1st time and thats pretty much it for the second semester, in a weak year for shows in this side of the planet, welcome to the jungle (my ass)!

And now some highlights of records purchased on september:
1.BONDED BY BLOOD - Exiled to the Earth (Lazer Beam Explosion 1/100) @ EARACHE
2.ANTIDOTE - Thou Shalt Not Kill (Clear Green 1/300) @ Bridge 9
3.CRUEL HAND - Lock & Key (Sea-Foam Green 1/?) @ Bridge 9 *the best 2010 album so far*
4.BITTER END - Guilty as Charged (Clear Ice Blue Black Mix 1/700) @ DeathWish Inc.
5.HORRORSHOW - Notes From The Night.. (Black Gategold 1/900) @ DeathWish Inc.
6.GOOD RIDDANCE - Capricorn One (Burgundy 1/336) @ Fat Wreck
 7. V/A - To Us It Was So Much More - a Chain of Strenght Tribute (Clear 1/100) @ 1124 Records
8.VIOLATOR & BANDANOS - Thrashing the Tyrants (Black 1/?) @ Cospe Fogo

Support the underground! As what they say "IF NOT YOU, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" Take a stand! Very soon, some real posts!!

"The Vault"