Location: Lynwood, USA
Release: Rivalry Records, 2005
Age of Quarantine, day # 126 - Picture Internal Affairs, Carry On and Floorpunch becoming one single group, you get MORE TO PRIDE, straight outta California! They are another damn fine example of that classic early 00's type of US hardcore sound, fast and in your face.
My CD copy of This Is Life is quite worn out, has been up and down, lotsa of spins during the first years and every now and then. The CD version contains the tracks from the 2004 Promo, making a total of 10 songs. The album also features guest vocals by John Eightclip and Connor from the rad Lights Out.
According to Kyle Whitlow, the co-owner of Rivalry, MORE TO PRIDE were considered the next big thing after the demise of CARRY ON, the new bearers of the aggressive straight edge hardcore flag in the West Coast, but... they were all youngesters at that time, around 18 years old and they went separate ways all too soon.
They could be seen reunited playin' in 2014 and most recently in 2017 at the Sound And Fury Festival but no new recordings has surfaced.
DOWNLOAD [320kbps]